Many experts have been saying for years that the blue light emitted from smart phones and other devices may impact our ability to fall asleep; however, a recent review of 11 scientific studies shows that may not be the case. In actuality, it might be the content you're consuming.
We've seen how doom-scrolling on TikTok or Instagram can increase depression, anxiety, and even suicidal ideation based on the content people watch. If you're watching content that is distressing, traumatic, or even anxiety inducing, you may be putting your brain into a survival state, which worsens mental health outcomes.
This is also potentially the causation for the difficulty some people have in trying to fall asleep. Checking your work email before bed can even be included as one of the culprits.
What do the experts have to say? Put the phones down before bed or limit the type of content you consume. Some of my neurospicy people out there need things playing in the background to fall asleep- so you might start paying more attention to what content you're watching. Instead of that horror movie or podcast about serial killers, you might try changing it up to something a little less heavy.
Read the full article here: